August, 1656.
are thirty-two Poems, which I send you, dear Friend and Master,
not having found how I could satisfy myself with sending any usual
acknowledgment of your letter. The first edition, on which you mailed
me that till now unanswered letter, was twelve poems -- I printed
a thousand copies, and they readily sold; these thirty-two Poems
I stereotype, to print several thousand copies of. I much enjoy
making poems. Other work I have set for myself to do, to meet people
and The States face to face, to confront them with an American rude
tongue; but the work of my life is making poems. I keep on till
I make a hundred, and then several hundred -- perhaps a thousand.
The way is clear to me. A few years, and the average annual call
for my Poems is ten or twenty thousand copies -- more, quite likely.
Why should I hurry or compromise? In poems or in speeches I say
the word or two that has got to be said, adhere to the body, step
with the countless common footsteps, and remind every man and woman
of something.
I am a man who has perfect faith. Master, we have not come through
centuries, caste, heroisms, fables, to halt in this land today.
Or I think it is to collect a ten-fold impetus that any halt is
made. As nature, inexorable, onward, resistless, impassive amid
the threats and sereams of disputants, so America. Let all defer.
Let all attend respectfully the leisure of These States, their politics,
poems, literature, manners, and their free-handed modes of training
their own offspring. Their own comes, just matured, certain, numerous
and capable enough, with egotistical tongues, with sinewed wrists,
seizing openly what belongs to them. They resume Personality, too
long left out of mind. Their shadows are projected in employments,
in books, in the cities, in trade; their feet are on the flights
of the steps of the Capitol; they dilate, a larger, brawnier, more
candid, more democratic, lawless, positive native to The States,
sweet-bodied, completer, dauntless, flowing, masterful, beard-faced,
new race of men.
on limitless foundations, the United States too are founding a literature.
It is all as well done, in my opinion, as could be practicable.
Each element here is in condition. Every day I go among the people
of Manhattan Island, Brooklyn, and other cities, and among the young
men, to discover the spirit of them, and to refresh myself. These
are to be attended to; I am myself more drawn here than to those
authors, publishers, importations, reprints, and so forth. I pass
coolly through those, understanding them perfectly well. and that
they do the indispensable service, outside of men like me, which
nothing else could do. In poems, the young men of The States shall
be represented, for they out-rival the best of the rest of the earth.
lists of ready-made literature which America inherits by the mighty
inheritance of the English language -- all the rich repertoire of
traditions, poems, historics, metaphysics, plays, classics, translations,
have made, and still continue, magnificent preparations for that
other plainly signified literature, to be our own, to be electric,
fresh, lusty, to express the full-sized body, male and female --
to give the modern meanings of things, to grow up beautiful, lasting,
commensurate with America, with all the passions of home, with the
inimitable sympathies of having been boys and girls together, and
of parents who were with our parents.
else can happen The States, even in their own despite? That huge
English flow, so sweet, so undeniable, has done incalculable good
here, and is to be spoken of for its own sake with generous praise
and with gratitude. Yet the price The States have had to lie under
for the same has not been a small price. Payment prevails; a nation
can never take the issues of the needs of other nations for nothing.
America, grandest of lands in the theory of its politics, in popular
reading, in hospitality, breadth, animal beauty, cities, ships,
machines, money, credit, collapses quick as lightning at the repeated,
admonishing, stern words, Where are any mental expressions from
you, beyond what you have copied or stolen? Where the born throngs
of poets, literats, orators, you promised? Will you but tag after
other nations? They struggled long for their literature, painfully
working their way, some with deficient languages, some with priest-craft,
some in the endeavor just to live -- yet achieved for their times,
works, poems, perhaps the only solid consolation left to them through
ages afterward of shame and decay. You are young, have the perfectest
of dialects, a free press, a free government, the world forwarding
its best to be with you. As justice has been strictly done to you,
from this hour do strict justice to yourself. Strangle the singers
who will not sing you loud and strong. Open the doors of The West.
Call for new great masters to comprehend new arts, new perfections,
new wants. Submit to the most robust bard till he remedy your barrenness.
Then you will not need to adopt the heirs of others; you will have
true heirs, begotten of yourself, blooded with your own blood.
composure I see such propositions, seeing more and more every day
of the answers that serve. Expressions do not yet serve, for sufficient
reasons; but that is getting ready, beyond what the earth has hitherto
known, to take home the expressions when they come, and to identify
them with the populace of The States, which is the schooling cheaply
procured by any outlay any number of years. Such schooling The States
extract from the swarms of reprints, and from the current authors
and editors. Such service and extract are done after enormous, reckless,
free modes, characteristic of The States. Here are to be attained
results never elsewhere thought possible; the modes are very grand
too. The instincts of the American people are all perfect, and tend
to make heroes. It is a rare thing in a man here to understand The
current nourishments to literature serve. Of authors and editors
I do not know how many there are in The States, but there are thousands,
each one building his or her step to the stairs by which giants
shall mount. Of the twenty-four modern mammoth two-double, three-double,
and four-double cylinder presses now in the world, printing by steam,
twenty-one of them are in These States. The twelve thousand large
and small shops for dispensing books and newspapers -- the same
number of public libraries, any one of which has all the reading
wanted to equip a man or woman for American reading -- the three
thousand different newspapers, the nutriment of the imperfect ones
coming in just as usefully as any -- the story papers, various,
full of strong-flavored romances, widely circulated -- the onecent
and two-cent journals -- the political ones, no matter what side
-- the weeklies in the country -- the sporting and pictorial papers
-- the monthly magazines, with plentiful imported feed -- the sentimental
novels, numberless copies of them -- the low-priced flaring tales,
adventures, biographies -- all are prophetic; all waft rapidly on.
I see that they swell wide, for reasons. I am not troubled at the
movement of them, but greatly pleased. I see plying shuttles, the
active ephemeral myriads of books also, faithfully weaving the garments
of a generation of men, and a generation of women, they do not perceive
or know. What a progress popular reading and writing has made in
fifty years! What a progress fifty years hence! The time is at hand
when inherent literature will be a main part of These States, as
general and real as steam-power, iron, corn, beef, fish. First-rate
American persons are to be supplied. Our perennial materials for
fresh thoughts, histories, poems, music, orations, religions, recitations,
amusements, will then not be disregarded, any more than our perennial
fields, mines, rivers, seas. Certain things are established, and
are immovable; in those things millions of years stand justified.
The mothers and fathers of whom modern centuries have come, have
not existed for nothing; they too had brains and hearts. Of course
all literature, in all nations and years, will share marked attributes
in common, as we all, of all ages, share the common human attributes.
America is to be kept coarse and broad. What is to be done is to
withdraw from precedents, and be directed to men and women -- also
to The States in their federalness; for the union of the parts of
the body is not more necessary to their life than the union of These
States is to their life.
profound person can easily know more of the people than they know
of themselves. Always waiting untold in the souls of the armies
of common people, is stuff better than anything that can possibly
appear in the leadership of the same. That gives final verdicts.
In every department of These States, he who travels with a coterie,
or with selected persons, or with imitators, or with infidels, or
with the owners of slaves, or with that which is ashamed of the
body of a man, or with that which is ashamed of the body of a woman,
or with any thing less than the bravest and the openest, travels
straight for the slopes of dissolution. The genius of all foreign
literature is clipped and cut small, compared to our genius, and
is essentially insulting to our usages, and to the organic compacts
of These States. Old forms, old poems, majestic and proper in their
own lands here in this land are exiles; the air here is very strong.
Much that stands well and has a little enough place provided for
it in the small scales of European kingdoms, empires, and the like,
here stands haggard, dwarfed, ludicrous, or has no place little
enough provided for it. Authorities, poems, models, laws, names,
imported into America, are useful to America today to destroy them,
and so move disencumbered to great works, great days.
so long, in our country or any country, as no revolutionists advance,
and are backed by the people, sweeping off the swarms of routine
representatives, officers in power, book-makers, teachers, ecclesiastics,
politicians, just so long, I perceive, do they who are in power
fairly represent that country, and remain of use, probably of very
great use. To supersede them, when it is the pleasure of These States,
full provision is made; and I say the time has arrived to use it
with a strong hand. Here also the souls of the armies have not only
overtaken the souls of the officer, but passed on, and left the
souls of the officers behind out of sight many weeks' journey; and
the souls of the armies now go en-masse without officers. Here also
formulas, glosses, blanks, minutiĉ, are choking the throats of the
spokesmen to death. Those things most listened for, certainly those
are the things least said. There is not a single History of the
World. There is not one of America, or of the organic compacts of
These States, or of Washington, or of Jefferson, nor of Language,
nor any Dictionary of the English Language. There is no great author;
every one has demeaned himself to some etiquette or some impotence.
There is no manhood or life-power in poems; there are shoats and
geldings more like. Or literature will be dressed up, a fine gentleman,
distasteful to our instincts, foreign to our soil. Its neck bends
right and left wherever it goes. Its costumes and jewelry prove
how little it knows Nature. Its flesh is soft; it shows less and
less of the indefinable hard something that is Nature. Where is
any thing but the shaved Nature of synods and schools? Where is
a savage and luxuriant man? Where is an overseer? In lives, in poems,
in codes of law, in Congress, in tuitions, theatres, conversations,
argumentations, not a single head lifts itself clean out, with proof
that it is their master, and has subordinated them to itself, and
is ready to try their superiors. None believes in These States,
boldly illustrating them in himself. Not a man faces round at the
rest with terrible negative voice, refusing all terms to be bought
off from his own eye-sight, or from the soul that he is, or from
friendship, or from the body that he is, or from the soil and sea.
To creeds, literature, art, the army, the navy, the executive, life
is hardly proposed, but the sick and dying are proposed to cure
the sick and dying. The churches are one vast lie; the people do
not believe them, and they do not believe themselves; the priests
are continually telling what they know well enough is not so, and
keeping back what they know is so. The spectacle is a pitiful one.
I think there can never be again upon the festive earth more bad-disordered
persons deliberately taking seats, as of late in These States, at
the heads of the public tables -- such corpses' eyes for judges
-- such a rascal and thief in the Presidency.
to the present, as helps best, the people, like a lot of large boys,
have no determined tastes, are quite unaware of the grandeur of
themselves, and of their destiny, and of their immense strides --
accept with voracity whatever is presented them in novels, histories,
newspapers, poems, schools, lectures, every thing. Pretty soon,
through these and other means, their development makes the fibre
that is capable of itself, and will assume determined tastes. The
young men will be clear what they want, and will have it. They will
follow none except him whose spirit leads them in the like spirit
with themselves. Any such man will be welcome as the flowers of
May. Others will be put out without ceremony. How much is there
anyhow, to the young men of These States, in a parcel of helpless
dandies, who can neither fight, work, shoot, ride, run, command
-- some of them devout, some quite insane, some castrated -- all
second-hand, or third, fourth, or fifth hand -- waited upon by waiters,
putting not this land first, but always other lands first, talking
of art, doing the most ridiculous things for fear of being called
ridiculous, smirking and skipping along, continually taking off
their hats -- no one behaving, dressing, writing, talking, loving,
out of any natural and manly tastes of his own, but each one looking
cautiously to see how the rest behave, dress, write, talk, love
-- pressing the noses of dead books upon themselves and upon their
country -- favoring no poets, philosophs, literats here, but dog-like
danglers at the heels of the poets, philosophs, literats, of enemies'lands
-- favoring mental expressions, models of gentlemen and ladies,
social habitudes in These States, to grow up in sneaking defiance
of the popular substratums of The States? Of course they and the
likes of them can never justify the strong poems of America. Of
course no feed of theirs is to stop and be made welcome to muscle
the bodies, male and female, for Manhattan Island, Brooklyn, Boston,
Worcester, Hartford, Portland, Montreal, Detroit, Buffalo, Cleaveland,
Milwaukee, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Cincinnati, Iowa City,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Releigh, Savannah, Charleston, Mobile,
New Orleans, Galveston, Brownsville, San Francisco, Havana, and
a thousand equal cities, present and to come. Of course what they
and the likes of them have been used for, draws toward its close,
after which they will all be discharged, and not one of them will
ever be heard of any more.
having duly conceived, bears out of herself offspring of her own
to do the workmanship wanted. To freedom, to strength, to poems,
to personal greatness, it is never permitted to rest, not a generation
or part of a generation. To be ripe beyond further increase is to
prepare to die. The architects of These States laid their foundations,
and passed to further, spheres. What they laid is a work done; as
much more remains. Now are needed other architects, whose duty is
not less difficult, but perhaps more difficult. Each age forever
needs architects. America is not finished, perhaps never will be;
now America is a divine true sketch. There are Thirty-Two States
sketched -- the population thirty millions. In a few years there
will be Fifty States. Again in a few years there will be A Hundred
States, the population hundreds of millions, the freshest and freest
of men. Of course such men stand to nothing less than the freshest
and freest expression.
here, literats here, are to rest on organic different bases from
other countries; not a class set apart, circling only in the circle
of themselves, modest and pretty, desperately scratching for rhymes,
pallid with white paper, shut off, aware of the old pictures and
traditions of the race, but unaware of the actual race around them
-- not breeding in and in among each other till they all have the
scrofula. Lands of ensemble, bards of ensemble! Walking freely out
from the old traditions, as our politics has walked out, American
poets and literats recognize nothing behind them superior to what
is present with them -- recognize with joy the sturdy living forms
of the men and women of These States, the divinity of sex, the perfect
eligibility of the female with the male, all The States, liberty
and equality, real articles, the different trades, mechanics, the
young fellows of Manhattan Island, customs, instincts, slang, Wisconsin,
Georgia, the noble Southern heart, the hot blood, the spirit that
will be nothing less than master, the filibuster spirit, the Western
man, native-born perceptions, the eye for forms, the perfect models
of made things, the wild smack of freedom, California, money, electrictelegraphs,
free-trade, iron and the iron mines -- recognize without demur those
splendid resistless black poems, the steam-ships of the sea-board
states, and those other resistless splendid poems, the locomotives,
followed through the interior states by trains of rail-road cars.
word remains to be said, as of one ever present, not yet permitted
to be acknowledged, discarded or made dumb by literature, and the
results apparent. To the lack of an avowed, empowered, unabashed
development of sex, (the only salvation for the same,) and to the
fact of speakers and writers fraudulently assuming as always dead
what every one knows to be always alive, is attributable the remarkable
non-personality and indistinctness of modern productions in books,
art, talk; also that in the scanned lives of men and women most
of them appear to have béen for some time past of the neuter gender;
and also the stinging fact that in orthodox society today. if the
dresses were changed, the men might easily pass for women and the
women for men.
usurps most with foetid polite face; among the rest infidelism about
sex. By silence or obedience the pens of savans, poets, historians,
biographers, and the rest, have long connived at the filthy law,
and books enslaved to it, that what makes the manhood of a man,
that sex, womanhood, maternity, desires, lusty animations, organs,
acts, are unmentionable and to be ashamed of, to be driven to skulk
out of literature with whatever belongs to them. This filthy law
has to be repealed -- it stands in the way of great reforms. Of
women just as much as men, it is the interest that there should
not be infidelism about sex, but perfect faith. Women in These States
approach the day of that organic equality with men, without which,
I see, men cannot have organic equality among themselves. This empty
dish, gallantry, will then be filled with something. This tepid
wash, this diluted deferential love, as in songs, fictions, and
so forth, is enough to make a man vomit; as to manly friendship,
everywhere observed in The States, there is not the first breath
of it to be observed in print. I say that the body of a man or woman,
the main matter, is so far quite unexpressed in poems; but that
the body is to be expressed, and sex is. Of bards for These States,
if it come to a question, it is whether they shall celebrate in
poems the eternal decency of the amativeness of Nature, the motherhood
of all, or whether they shall be the bards of the fashionable delusion
of the inherent nastiness of sex, and of the feeble and querulous
modesty of deprivation. This is important in poems, because the
whole of the other expressions of a nation are but flanges out of
its great poems. To me, henceforth, that theory of any thing, no
matter what, stagnates in its vitals, cowardly and rotten, while
it cannot publicly accept, and publicly name, with specific words,
the things on which all existence, all souls, all realization, all
decency, all health, all that is worth being here for, all of woman
and of man, all beauty, all purity, all sweetness, all friendship,
all strength, all life, all immortality depend. The courageous soul,
for a year or two to come, may be proved by faith in sex, and by
disdaining concessions.
poets and literats -- to every woman and man, today or any day,
the conditions of the present, needs, dangers, prejudices, and the
like, are the perfect conditions on which we are here, and the conditions
for wording the future with undissuadable words. These States, receivers
of the stamina of past ages and lands, initiate the outlines of
repayment a thousand fold. They fetch the American great masters,
waited for by old worlds and new, who accept evil as well as good,
ignorance as well as erudition, black as soon as white, foreign-born
materials as well as home-born, reject none, force discrepancies
into range, surround the whole, concentrate them on present periods
and places, show the application to each and any one's body and
soul, and show the true use of precedents. Always America will be
agitated and turbulent. This day it is taking shape, not to be less
so, but to be more so, stormily, capriciously, on native principles,
with such vast proportions of parts! As for me, I love screaming,
wrestling, boiling-hot days.
course, we shall have a national character, an identity. As it ought
to be, and as soon as it ought to be, it will be. That, with much
else, takes care of itself, is a result, and the cause of greater
results. With Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Oregon -- with the states
around the Mexican sea -- with cheerfully welcomed immigrants from
Europe, Asia, Africa -- with Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island -- with all varied interests, facts, beliefs, parties,
genesis -- there is being fused a determined character, fit for
the broadest use for the freewomen and freemen of Tho States, accomplished
and to be accomplished, without any exception whatever -- each indeed
free, each idiomatic, as becomes live states and men, but each adhering
to one enclosing general form of politics, manners, talk, personal
style, as the plenteous varieties of the race adhere to one physical
form. Such character is the brain and spine to all, including literature,
including poems. Such character, strong, limber, just, open-mouthed,
American-blooded, full of pride, full of ease, of passionate friendliness,
is to stand compact upon that vast basis of the supremacy of Individuality
-- that new moral American continent without which, I see, the physical
continent remained incomplete, may-be a carcass, a bloat -- that
newer America, answering face to face with The States, with ever-satisfying
and ever-unsurveyable seas and shores.
shores you found. I say you have led The States there -- have led
Me there. I say that none has ever done, or ever can do, a greater
deed for The States, than your deed. Others may line out the lines,
build cities, work mines, break up farms; it is yours to have been
the original true Captain who put to sea, intuitive, positive, rendering
the first report, to be told less by any report, and more by the
mariners of a thousand bays, in each tack of their arriving and
departing, many years after you.
dear Master, these statements and assurances through me, for all
the young men, and for an earnest that we know none before you,
but the best following you; and that we demand to take your name
into our keeping, and that we understand what you have indicated,
and find the same indicated in ourselves, and that we will stick
to it and enlarge upon it through These States.